Business Information Systems
LE 270.00
Business Information: Finding and Using Data in the Digital Age
LE 270.00
LE 300.00
Cases in Electronic Commerce
LE 270.00
LE 300.00
Client/Server: A Manager's Guide
LE 270.00
Electronic Commerce (Information Systems Series)
LE 270.00
LE 300.00
Money and the Economy: Issues in Monetary Analysis
LE 270.00
LE 300.00
The Future of the Electronic Marketplace
LE 270.00
LE 300.00
The Internet Business Companion
LE 270.00
LE 300.00
Trust and Risk in Internet Commerce (The MIT Press)
LE 270.00
LE 300.00
Using Communication Technology: Creating Knowledge Organizations
LE 270.00
LE 300.00